Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Flowers for Algernon and The Garden of Eden Essay

Daniel Keyes’s anecdotal story, â€Å"Flowers for Algernon†, drew on topics, examples of occasions, and character types from the Biblical story of the Garden of Eden. The two stories had a common subject: Ignorance is euphoria. The two stories additionally shared a comparable example of occasions. Charlie Gordon, the hero in â€Å"Flowers for Algernon†, and Adam and Eve, the principle characters in the Garden of Eden, all began in a condition of guiltlessness, unconscious of insidiousness, until they were urged to get more brilliant. After they had picked up insight, their eyes were opened to the entirety of the disagreeableness on the planet, and they endured the results. There were additionally likenesses in the characters in the two stories, for example, between the Serpent and Miss Kinnian and among Eve and Algernon. Daniel Keyes rendered the material new by changing the setting, the characters, and the occasions of the story to something significantly more p resent day. In â€Å"Flowers for Algernon†, Charlie needed to get brilliant, yet once he did, he understood that individuals used to ridicule him, and the vast majority quit conversing with him as regularly as they used to, either on the grounds that they were frightened of him or couldn’t get him. Algernon kicked the bucket, and Charlie lost the entirety of his insight. In the Garden of Eden, God cautioned Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of the information on great and underhandedness, yet they didn’t tune in. The snake persuaded Eve to eat the illegal organic product, and afterward Eve persuaded Adam to eat it too. At the point when they ate the natural product, they picked up information and insight, got mindful of evilness, and acknowledged they were exposed. God sentenced them to an existence of anguish and in the long run demise. The basic topic of these two stories is obliviousness is joy. Some of the time it’s preferable to know nothing over something. The example of occasions in â€Å"Flowers for Algernon† reflect those of the Garden of Eden. In the Garden of Eden, God made Adam and Eve. They were totally guiltless and unadulterated, yet not great. God cautioned them not to eat from the tree of the information on great and malice. The insidious snake persuaded Eve to eat the illegal organic product at any rate. At the point when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of information, their eyes were opened, and they picked up information and intelligence, yet they were likewise presented to malice, and they felt exposed. Their condition of blamelessness was lost. At the point when God got some answers concerning this, He rebuffed Adam and Eve. In â€Å"Flowers for Algernon†, Charlie Gordon had an inability and needed insight. Miss Kinnian convinced Charlie to proceed with the activity. He consented to experience the medical procedure that the specialists thought would significantly increase his knowledge, despite the fact that he knew about the dangers in question. The activity made Charlie staggeringly keen, yet it additionally made him mindful that individuals ridiculed him. At a certain point, Charlie expressed that he felt as though he was stripped. His knowledge in the long run crumbles, and Algernon passes on. In the two stories, the fundamental characters start off in a condition of numbness, are convinced to expand their insight, choose to pick up information, in spite of realizing the dangers in question, and afterward they need to pay dearly. A portion of the characters in â€Å"Flowers for Algernon† and the Garden of Eden are fundamentally the same as. For instance, Charlie, Adam, and Eve are comparable on the grounds that they are the fundamental characters, they began in a condition of obliviousness, and they all got information. Furthermore, the snake and Miss Kinnian are indistinguishable on the grounds that the two of them convinced the fundamental characters to get more brilliant. Finally, Eve and Algernon were both the principal characters to obtain information. Daniel Keyes rendered the material new by changing the setting, the characters, and the occasions. The Garden of Eden occurred first and foremost, while â€Å"Flowers for Algernon† occurred in the twentieth century. Rather than a talking snake urging someone to eat otherworldly organic product, Daniel Keyes utilized Miss Kinnian to convince Charlie to do the activity. Thirdly, in the Garden of Eden, the taboo natural product offered information to Adam and Eve, however in Flowers for Algernon, an activity caused Charlie to turn out to be increasingly insightful. Topics, examples of occasions, and character types found in Flowers for Algernon reflect those found in the Biblical story of the Garden of Eden. The narratives both offer a similar topic: Ignorance is rapture. The two of them have comparative examples of occasions: The primary characters begin in a condition of blamelessness and numbness, at that point they are convinced to expand their knowledge. The fundamental characters concurred, regardless of the dangers in question. The primary characters needed to confront the outcomes of accepting information. Adam, Eve, and Charlie, the snake and Miss Kinnian, and Eve and Algernon all mirror one another. Daniel Keyes modernized the Biblical story of the Garden of Eden by evolving theâ setting, the characters, and the occasions, in spite of the fact that the general subject, examples of occasions, and sorts of characters are comparative in the two stories.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Is there such a thing as a post-modern novel Essay Example

Is there such an incredible concept as a post Is there such an incredible concept as a post-present day novel Essay Is there such an incredible concept as a post-present day novel Essay Is there such an incredible concept as a post-present day novel? Post-innovation broadens innovator uncertainness, regularly by assuming that world, on the off chance that it exists by any stretch of the imagination, is mysterious or unaccessible through a semantic correspondence become withdrawn from it’ ( Stevenson: 28 ) . The utilization of the post-current has become a generally applicable term in basic and abstract hypothesis in late yeas. Where a few pundits contend that post-innovation is only an advancement of innovation, others, for example, Fredric Jameson, (Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism:1991 ) contend that various assaults to post-innovation exist. Jameson contends that postmodernism is characterized mainly as an insufficiency of a cardinal segment ( be it development, account, story-line ) and thinks about that recorded, political and financial qualities, in accordance with entrepreneur economy, have changed political directions and henceforth decentred customary scholarly qualities. Shirvani ( 1994 ) agrees, Post-innovation rose as a signal of disobedience to the canonisation of innovation and the specialist gutting of its oppositional potential’ ( 291 ) . The post-present day non simply purposes pundits to disregard in finding an efficient portrayal of the term, yet neither would they be able to hang on a precise entry from innovation to pos-innovation. Basic partitions exist with some proposing the expires of Joyce and Woolf, though others lean toward the terminal of the Second World War or the terminal of Colonialism. The numerous abstract apparatuses that sub-separate the term, for example, folklore, women's liberation, analyst fiction or postcolonial story are conceivably the solitary way of arranging its hugeness. Artistic surveies and readership have later called into request scholarly worth, which appears to hold less significance inside the down to earth innovative universe. In any case, it is decisively the request of the reasonable and the existent that has lead a figure of essayists to get down to sort out an artistic ordinance that requests these common resistances by personality exploring non just the writer yet adjacent to the peruser. Where as Jameson shuns intensions to craftsmanship, Hutcheson (A Poetics of Postmodernism, 1988 ) contends that feel play an of import divide in post-innovation. An arrival to style each piece great as self-reflexive characteristics and the utilization of the existent in occasions and individuals from history ( 3 ) make an adaptable talk which the two developments and de-structures abstract writings. This internal looking and hesitance, two subjects that are exceptional to what hold been characterized as post-present day books overwhelm the main developments of a few books that will be talked about in this paper. Italo Calvino’sSe una notte d’invierno United Nations viaggiatorepublished asIf on a winter’s dim a travelerin 1979,Lunar Park( 2005 ) by Bret Easton Ellis andNumber9dreamby David Mitchell, distributed in 2001, epitomize the bound and illimitable developments of the post-current content. Bret Easton Ellis’sLunar Park, the first of his books to be written in the past tense, is obviously a semi-self-portraying story. This new embodies definitely the equivocalness that frequents numerous books that are named post-present day. The main character in the content is Bret Easton Ellis himself who starts the book novelizing his previous life and his ascent to popularity as an author. This guideline bit of the novel is by all accounts a real existence which, to the peruser, appears to be back to back frontward and likely. Be that as it may, it is during the plummet into a whirlpool of medication and intoxicant reliance that the line among world and phantasy Begins to film over. He weds an on-screen character ( who, it appears, has her ain site [ 1 ] however there is no record of her somewhere else ) and later moves to a disengaged town called Midland, close to New York. It is in clearly regarded Midland that the blankness among world and dream Begin to impact. As Ellis become continuously distracted with undertakings of expire ( especially those of his male parent ) which matches the dynamically spooky mood of his home, Ellis’s distrustfulness appears to take fasten, changing the reader’s develops of what is existent inside the novel. This third limitless that is made now in the novel is seemingly manufactured yet the trust that Ellis makes toward the start of the novel powers the peruser to oppugn their ain perusing of the content: is Ellis preposterous and neurotic, are the characters around him simply too much questioning to acknowledge his reality or is Ellis playing a wicked game with the peruser? Number9dreamby David Mitchell other than utilizes a down to earth world in which to set up his book. Once more, the limit line that should separate the commonsense world from world is addressed. The supporter, Eji Miyake embraces two excursions inside the novel ; that of his chase for singularity and the one which matches the more created assault to his life. In spite of the fact that the skeletal segment of the book is Eji’s story, Mitchell further uncovers the supporter through dreams, games, books, etc. This intertextual part of the book powers the peruser to oppugn their capacity inside the novel. Mitchell, through using changing story procedures ( Eji’s encounters in every section mirror the way of account ) uncovers the numerous essences of the supporter. To be sure this content maps as a journal, as a fantasy, as a chase for uniqueness and a hypothesis of life. The vagueness that is made through these maps neer uncovers to the peruser the genuine ground for Eji’s need to brood in down to earth world rather than defy his ain world. The solitary insinuation is potentially Eji’s powerlessness to come to footings with the perish of his sister Anju, in any case, even this is only managed through an envisioned world which so makes the peruser oppugn what amount is dependable. Mitchell shrewdly proposes contrasting universes. In the first place, there is the world we can contact and encounter and use as ordinary life. There is the substitute universe of dreamscapes which are sensible ( we can non make a picture which is non an examination of our encounters ) ; the processing machine games and books are an alternate world, that are perchance individual else’s world yet next to permit the member to go another inner self. Moreover, Mitchell, by utilizing the vehicles of writing, human advancement, media and history, utilizes this content to talk the lamenting procedures that we suffer and hints that down to earth world plays a major bit in larning to get by with cataclysm. Eji gets dependent on phantasy and dreaming: he changes from the chase for himself ( That was who I genuinely was, a fantasy of the Real Miyake’ : 408 ) to a chase for a reasonable sense of self ( I would offer anything to be woolgathering right now’ : 418 ) . This is o ther than evident sing his folks where he understands that his chase for his male parent ( and his considerations of what he would resemble ) was extremely more rousing and of import than world when he in the long run meets him. Calvino’s book,If on a winter’s dim a travellerreminds the peruser in the main case that they are perusing a book by opening it in this way: You are going to get down perusing Italo Calvino’s new novel,If on a winter’s dim a voyager. Unwind. Concentrate. Disperse each other thought. Let the universe around you fade’ ( 1 ) . Calvino so keeps on reding how the peruser ought to sit or put themself so as to get the most from perusing the novel. Nonetheless, it is the sentence, Let the universe around you fade’ that is seemingly one of the vast majority of import sentences in the novel. The peruser is deliberately approached to permit the universe vanish and to go dug in the novel. Be that as it may, this request itself makes the peruser discerning that they are perusing a book. Moreover, it calls into request the unbounded among phantasy and world that is other than displayed in Calvino’s tale. The peruser can neer permit the universe cut ; they need their ain encounters of the universe so as to put with the book and its characters. It is other than their experience of the universe that will name into request the world or the illusion of the story. Moreover, the untypical development of the content purposefully helps the peruser to remember what their identity is and their bit in the novel: th e peruser. This update proceeds with unabated all through the novel. As such the essayist powers the peruser to play their capacity however he is other than perceptive of his ain obligation. Calvino requests what a creator is with a passive sober mindedness: origin is an occupation to do cash, non to delight a crowd of people. In reality the Good for you’ ( 4 ) that he tells the crowd with joyful lack of interest of the nature of the novel draws close to banishing the crowd. [ 2 ] He so proceeds, inside this bit of fiction, to confront the mass of unneeded books that are accessible to buy that divert fromexistentbooks. [ 3 ] Calvino’s considerations on the worth that is set on writing ( curiously since horrible judgment has supported total development in ongoing mature ages ) plainly supported the awareness of non just forming however perusing as Re ( 1998 ) agrees: writing might be troublesome work, yet perusing it might be only as requesting. The request of who understands what, the political relations of readership, social imbalance a nd the opposition among high and low progress, are cardinal to the present contention in social surveies and the emergencies in abstract studies†¦ [ Calvino ] accepted that to happen perusers one must make them by devising a perfect reader†¦ The peruser whoever the person in question might be and any place the person may originate from-must be enticed by the content into going need the writings needs them to be’ ( 127 ) . It was the

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Excel Tricks Every Entrepreneur Should Know to Increase His Productivity

Excel Tricks Every Entrepreneur Should Know to Increase His Productivity © | denniznIn this article, we will look at tips and trick in MS Excel to enhance the productivity of an entrepreneur. We will examine the following: 1) an introduction to Excel, 2) Excel tricks to increase your productivity as an entrepreneur, 3) advantages and limitations of Excel, 4) and a short conclusion.AN INTRODUCTION TO EXCELWhat is ExcelExcel is a part of the MS Office suite from Microsoft, which includes other programs such as the MS Word, PowerPoint, and Access. MS Office provides a comprehensive solution for small offices and businesses to organize and carry out most of their documentation needs. Excel is an electronic spreadsheet program of the suite which allows users to enter, store, manipulate and analyze data in many different ways. Excel is a powerful program that lets you tabulate your data, make calculations and integrate information from other programs. An excel file is called a workbook. Each workbook contains many worksheets and chart-sheets. A worksheet is divided into hundreds of rows and columns of cells. There are millions of cells in a workbook. Each cell is identified based upon its position in a column and row. This position is known as cell address or cell reference. The rows are identified by numerals and the columns by alphabets. Hence, the cells have alphanumeric addresses. A cell stores data and formulas that are used to make calculations or to communicate with other cells or programs. The chart-sheet is used to display a graph or a chart that is generated using the data stored in a worksheet. Excel is a very versatile program and allows a user to create, format and design worksheets easily and quickly.History of ExcelThe history of Excel is older than its Windows OS. Before it became Excel, the electronic spreadsheet program that Microsoft developed was called MultiPlan. It was developed in 1982 to work on CP/M and MS-DOS based systems. Though it was very successful in the CP/M systems, it was trumped by Lot us 1-2-3 on the DOS based system. Microsoft then revamped the MultiPlan, renamed it Excel and launched it as a graphical interface based spreadsheet for Apple Mac in 1985. It was the first electronic spreadsheet program that had a graphical interface and pull down menus. When Microsoft came out with the Windows OS, Excel was launched for the OS platform, and Microsoft came out with the first Windows version Excel 2.0 in late 1987. Since then Microsoft has released many different versions of Excel, with each version adding some new features and capabilities to the existing version. The latest version of Excel is the 15.0 but it more popularly known as Excel 2013. Now Excel is a powerful data analysis, manipulation and storage software that is used by professionals, scientist, researchers, accountants, etc. to excel, present and analyze data.If you wish to learn more about the history and evolution of Excel, here is a great infographic.Major Uses of ExcelExcel is a highly customizable spreadsheet that allows its users to present and automate data in a variety of ways, easily and quickly. Excel can be used anywhere data manipulation and representation is required. It can be used for:Data storage, management and sorting: The basic function of any spreadsheet program is data storage, management and sorting. Excel is capable of storing text, numbers or formulas. The data that is stored in the cells can be sorted and filters in many different ways based on parameters provided by the user.Data analyzing and charting: Excel is a great tool for data analysis. The pivot table that is available in Excel allows the user to analyze large amount of data. It can automatically, sort, enumerate and calculate data stored in one worksheet and project the summary of the data in another sheet. It can generate several different kinds of charts based on data range selected in your worksheet.Modeling including sales forecasting, budgeting, break-even analysis, cash flow estimation: Au tomation provided by the functions of Excel make it easy for businesses to maintain their books and accounts as well as create what-if scenarios to create and forecast business models such as their sales, budget, cash flow and break-even point.Generating reports based on the data analysis and models: Excel can also print reports once data has been analyzed and manipulated.Integration with other softwares: Excel files can be integrated with other software like MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Access, etc.Team work: Excel allows you to share your data with a group of people, who can then collaborate and work on a project together. Since the collaboration is web-based, your team members can be anywhere in the world and still be able to contribute.Significance Importance of Excel in BusinessArgument #1: Excel offers several very important functions within one tool: analysis and visualizationIt has been argued that MS Excel is perhaps one of the most powerful computer programs ever created. I t has many wonderful functions and tools available within the software that allow a user to perform a wide variety of tasks from statistical and mathematical calculations to preparing reports, automating data analysis, creating data bases and lists, sorting data in a variety of ways and creating future projections. Its powerful visualization tools make it extremely useful for making business projections, charts, graphs and predicting future trends that support decision-making. It capability to handle text as well as numerical data makes it extremely useful.Argument #2: Excel is widely usedThere are few programs that are as popular as Excel for people who need to store and manipulate data. Its interface is very user-friendly and allows you as a user to observe what is happening to the data as it is manipulated. Its capacity to handle both mathematical and statistical data has made it a very desirable program for finance, marketing, sales and business development. It is increasingly b eing used by professionals and businesses for decision-making. It is used by students for their assignments and by scientists for their research. It is used by traders, merchants, accountants and portfolio managers. Excel has its use in practically all spheres of life, and anyone who has ever handled data has probably used Excel.Argument #3: Excel is very versatileExcel is a very versatile program and can be used to perform a diverse variety of tasks. It can be used to store personal or business data, a data converter, can perform simple functions of a calculator or complex functions that are required in a database management software. You can draw in it, add images, create charts and graphs, import data from internet and other programs, export data to other programs. You can sort data and arrange in many different ways, extract relevant information from a data range and use it for business, sales or trend analysis.EXCEL TRICKS TO INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY AS ENTREPRENEURGeneral ti ps when using ExcelMS Excel is a highly customizable software, you can personalize it fairly easily right from the beginning. There are shortcuts and templates available that let you create and navigate spreadsheets quickly and efficiently. You need to familiarize yourself with these shortcuts, templates and tips in order to get as much leverage as possible out of Excel.Excel allows you to customize its interface. You can change the way the ribbons are displayed and what you may wish to have in the toolbars. You can format text and numbers, change font and color, etc. Create templates, change the tab color and also how you work in Excel. It allows you to create macros, deal with calculations and analyses in your own way. Here is a great website that will teach you how to work with all these and much more.Major Features and Functions of ExcelThe basic features of all spreadsheet programs are common, and Excel is no exception. Other features include:Ribbon Tabs are visual menus that r emain open at the top of your workbook. Each tab contains a host of features that allow you to access quickly and use features and functions contained in the tab.Autosum allows you to add the contents of a range of adjacent cells.List Autofill automatically adds the cell format when a cell is added at the end of a list.AutoFill lets the user fill in repetitive or sequential data, such as numbering, date, alphabets, etc.AutoShapes allows the user to draw predefined geometrical shapes, lines, flowchart elements, arrows, etc. within the worksheet.Wizard provides useful hints and tips as you work and guides you. You can turn it off if you do not wish to use it.Drag and Drop allow you easily drag and drop data anywhere in the spreadsheet.Charts allows you to insert many different types of charts and diagrams within your worksheet based upon your data.Pivot table allows you to manipulate data to generate reports and analyze the data and it is perhaps the most powerful feature of Excel.Fun ctions and Formulas can be used within the cells allowing you to perform a variety of calculations, manipulations, presentation and extraction of information from your data. Insert Function button allows you to search for and insert functions within your cells. You can select a category (from a list of  12 major categories) and use a scroll down menu to choose the function that you wish to use. The functions that are available to the users are not contained to just financial calculations. It has functions that help to manage and clean up huge data and reconciling data.Initial Tricks in Excel Useful ShortcutsExcel allows you to use keyboard shortcuts to perform quickly certain actions and functions without using the mouse to navigate through the menus. These keyboard shortcuts are extremely useful while working in excel as they increase your productivity and cut down the time you spend working on a spreadsheet. Here are some of the shortcuts that are most useful.Function keys:F1 He lpF2 Allows you to edit the selected cellF4 Repeats last actionF5 Allows you to navigate to a specific cellF7 Spell checks a selected range or worksheetNavigation:CTRL+ARROW keys Moves to another section of the textCTRL+PGUP Moves between worksheets within the same workbookCTRL+PGDN Moves between worksheets within the same workbookSelection:SHIFT+ARROW keys Extends the selection from one cellSHIFT+CTRL+ARROW keys Extends the selection to the last cell that contains data in the same row or column.SHIFT+CTRL+8 Takes you to the top of the column.ALT keys for menus:ALT+1 Saves current fileALT+2 UndoALT+3 Redo last actionALT+F Opens File MenuALT+H Opens Home MenuALT+N Opens Insert MenuALT+P Opens Page Layout MenuALT+M Opens Formulas MenuALT+A Opens Data MenuALT+R Opens Review MenuALT+W Opens View MenuCTRL Key for easy access and formatting:CTRL+N Open a new fileCTRL+S Save a fileCTRL+O Open a dialog box where you can choose a file to open.CTRL+C Copy a selectionC TRL +V Paste a copied or cut selectionCTRL+X Cut a selection and save it on the clip-boardCTRL+A Select an entire sheetCTRL+B Apply or remove bold formattingCTRL+I Apply or remove italicized formattingCTRL+D Create a fill down command and copy content and format of the top cell to a selected range of cells belowCTRL+P Open the print dialog box so you can print your fileCTRL+U Apply or removed underline from a selected range of text or numberCTRL+Y Repeat the last command or actionCTRL+Z Undo command to delete or reverse the last action you performed.CTRL+5 Apply or remove strikethrough from text or numbers.Tips Tricks with Excel for Business PurposesThere are few people who are familiar with the big part of functions available in Excel. Most enterprises use only a few set of functions for their business analysis. Here are some great productivity features that are present in excel:Audit Toolbar: To trace the cells that are included in a formula use the Audit Tool Bar. It will graphically present the cells that are being used in the formula.Freezing Panes: You can freeze panes so that they remain visible while you scroll through the cells beneath. This is helpful when comparing data.Conditional Formatting: Lets the users change the formatting of a cell or range of cells to meet a specific criterion.Sparkline: Is a small chart that is used to identify trends within tables. They are also known as micro charts. You can find more information about sparkline here.Tricks Tips about using Pivot tableA pivot table is a tool that helps to summarize data in Excel and other spreadsheet and business software. A pivot table is capable of automatically sorting, totaling and providing an average of the data within a table or spreadsheet. Pivot table also allows creation of contingency tables. A user can change the summary by changing the fields graphically to create different data sets. Pivot table is an analytical and visualization tool.Report filters This is us ed to apply a filter to a whole table.Column labels These are used to apply filters to columns that need to be displayed in the pivot table. You can apply the filters to one or more columns at a time.Row labels These allow a user to apply filters to a row or several rows that need to be displayed in the pivot table.Values these are text or numerical values that can be used for calculations.A good introduction to using pivot tables you can find here. Excel Tricks with ChartsExcel lets you create charts quickly and easily from a selected range of data within a worksheet. Charts are great visualisations and make it easy to understand the trends and analyze the results. There is a variety of charts available in Excel to graphically present data (for example: pie, column, line, bar, area, radar charts). It is easy to customize and format your charts in Excel. You can:Remove any vertical gridlines;Change horizontal gridline color from black to a very light shade of gray;Adjust chart se ries colors to get better contrast;Adjust font scaling (for versions Excel 2003 and prior);Switch rows and columns;Add a title;Add data labels;Change the position of the legend;Remove/add or change background color;Change chart to another type say line chart to a bar chart.Tips for YouTube channels where you can learn more about Excel tricksIf you wish to learn Excel and its functions on your own, there are several channels on YouTube that can provide you with all the material you may need for self-study. Some of these are mentioned below.ExcelIsFunHowcast TechDanny Rock ExcelsNerds centralADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS OF EXCELLike any software, Excel too has its advantages and limitations.AdvantagesThe advantages that Excel provides its users are many and diverse. Some of the key advantages are:It makes it easy to analyze data, make comparisons and discover patterns with its powerful analytical tools.It has powerful filters that can handle comparably large amount of data. Its filters along with the sorting and searching tools help the users to analyze large data and narrow down criteria to help users to come to a decision quickly.It is scalable and can work on most machines without much trouble. You do not need to invest in a new machine to run the program.It allows collaboration with other people and within a team so several people can provide inputs to a worksheet.It has formulas and calculation features that make mathematical and statistical calculations easy.It can be used on smartphones and tablets. Other spreadsheet programs support Excel too allowing files to be imported and exported in Excel formats.It is easy to start working on it without much training.LimitationsThere are some limitations to what you can do with Excel, there are also glitches that are present. Some of these include:Though it is an easy to learn program for basic functions like creating tables and using mathematical functions, the program has so many functions and features that it take s a long time to master all the tools available.There is no way to trace where a data originates and or to determine an audit trail.It is a tedious and time-consuming job to enter data into Excel leading to human errors in data entry.MS Excel is a part and parcel of the MS Office Suite and requires a subscription to it. This makes Excel pretty expensive compared to other spreadsheets, some of which are available for free.CONCLUSIONThough it is a very popular software, Excel is not considered by experts an ideal software for running a large business. It may be a great financial software for small companies, but it cannot meet all the demands of a large business. It is good only for small businesses or individual users which do not handle or generate big amounts of data.